The Official Amateur Station of

The New Jersey Antique Radio Club's

Radio Technology Museum

at InfoAge



W2RTM, once again, participated as an official station of the International Marconi Day on-the-air event, 22 April 2023.  We made more than 760 contacts.

Thanks to everyone who helped make this a successful event.
Our museum is located at the site of Marconi's 1914 High Power Receiver Station.  This area became the U, S, Army's Radar Laboratory (Camp Evans) in 1941.  This is now the campus of the InfoAge Science &  History Museums.

(SASE for above QSL Card.)
Marconi Belmar Scrapbook

CONTACT:  belmar(at)ar88(dot)net

ARRL Field Day:  2019   2020   2023

The Belmar Station was the location of Edwin Armstrong's demonstration of his regenerative receiver, that greatly strengthened radio signals, making them more audible to the human ear, to David Sarnoff of American Marconi in January 1914.  The demo took place in the construction shack outside the unfinished Operations Building.

Listen to Armstrong aand Sarnoff at Belmar

From Dave Ossmans version of Empire of the Air.

David Ogden Steirs as Armstrong
Harris Yulin as Sarnoff

Hear the whole program:
Part 1   -   Part 2

Learn more about Armstrong

Visitor Number: Statcounter

Last Update: 15 Apr 2022